Stars of the Moscow Circus     The oldest circus dynasty in Russia    If you interesting in booking them - Do it now.














                                           OUR HISTORY

The oldest circus dynasty in Russia
Circus dinasties-Sur, Lapiado, Avireino, Popazov, Koch families. Alexander Kuprinthe famous Russian author discribed great Olga Sur,a spectcular horseback, as a charmer of all the gymnasium students hearts: "He who saw wold never forget.....the sweet grace of her every movement." Great Martha, one of the celebrated Koch Sisters,captivated the audience with her Giant Ssemaphore feature, which looked absolutely fantastic in her day. Ivan Popazov became famous for his Aerialists namber.       

      Olga Sur
Alexamdr Lapiado
                 Kalisa Lapiado
Sisters Kuhorj-Koh
Sisters Kuhorj-Koh
Sisters Kuhorj-Koh
Ivan Papazov
Vladimir Papazov
Irina Averino-Lapiado
       Jury & Irina 


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